Published by
Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor
Hermann Hearsay 'Crystal Ball'
News Reporting and News Analysis |
Date: 9/16/2010
For a long time in America, the news was disseminated to the public in weekly newspapers. Then someone had the bright idea to publish daily newspapers. That way they could sell more papers and make more money from subscriptions and sales at newstands! They could even demand higher prices from their commercial advertisers, because the readers of the daily paper would be exposed to the advertisements on a more frequent basis. The theory was that more ad exposures would trigger more purchase decisions. The advertisers bought the theory and have paid more for their print ads ever since.
Then came radio and television. With radio and television, the public could get the news several times per day. Initially it was in the morning at breakfast time, then at lunch time and again at dinner time. Now, the radio and TV stations are pumping out the "late-breaking" news on a constant basis.
With the advent of the internet, newspapers began putting news content on their own online websites. Bloggers started discussing and analyzing news stories online. Daily online news websites started cropping up as well. Some of these online news websites boast about how fast they publish news stories. They tell you how many minutes it took them to publish the story after they first learned about.
Hermann Hearsay has been right on the leading edge of local news reporting and news analysis ever since we started up about 15 months ago.
HH is a FREE local news and news analyis website. Our readers pay nothing to read 100% of our content. We never hide content from the eyes of our readers. If our readers want to purchase
HH logo golf apparel, they can but they are not required to do so.
HH offers FREE advertising to local businesses. No other local news outlet can match us on that!
HH is associated with
"Ads by Google", so we bring you advertising from all sorts of top-notch businesses.
HH is the only local news publisher associated with
"Ads by Google". At
Hermann Hearsay, our editorial comments are always hard-hittting; we don't pull any punches. By contrast, our competitors
very often "pussy-foot" around the issues.
Hermann Hearsay is proud to announce that we are taking the next step forward in the evolution of news reporting and news analysis. And it's a BOLD step! Beginning tomorrow, we will bring you our predictions about future news, news which will occur in the future but which has not yet been announced nor actually taken place. Others report the news very fast, sometimes only a few minutes
AFTER it has occurred.
Hermann Hearsay will now begin reporting the news
BEFORE it has occurred. In some cases, we will report news stories minutes or hours
BEFORE they actually occur. And in other cases, we will report the news stories days and perhaps weeks
BEFORE they actually occur. This will be a great advantage to
Hermann Hearsay readers.
HH readers will be "in the know" before anyone else in the Hermann area.
We hope you will check back with us tomorrow for the first of what we are calling our
Our first
"CRYSTAL BALL NEWS REPORT" will be on the subject of the "Missouri State Audits of Gasconade County" which have not yet been published to the public.