Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hermann Hearsay Accepts NO PAID ADVERTISING

Published by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

Hermann Hearsay today announced its editorial policy of accepting NO PAID ADVERTISING. Said Editor In Chief, Clark Kant, "We don't aspire to be a website of local advertising. Others have chosen that route, but we prefer to provide our readers local news without all the clutter of a home page filled with those banner ads." Kant went on to reference a competitor's new website format "It looks like a Christmas tree loaded up with glaring banner ads and a few links to local stories. Our readers are generally older people, many with arthritic hands. Navigating through that maze of advertising to find local news stories of interest can be quite painful for our older reader. Our stories are right here on the home page ...... convenient for the elderly as well as those who are computer challenged."

Clark Kant
Editor In Chief