Friday, September 24, 2010

County Commission - Closed For Business?

Published by Dick Schaefer,  SSALRCYTMVDQJCP & Assistant Editor

Date:  9/24/2010

Shortened Gasconade County Commission meeting on Thursday, 9/16.  Canceled meeting on Thursday, 9/23.  No attempt to reschedule in order to accommodate Clerk Lietzow's schedule. 

Is the Gasconade County Commission "closed for business"?  OR are they just postponing their inescapable closed session discussion about this year's state audit final report?  What's in that report they are so reluctant to discuss?  Will Presiding Commissioner Jost postpone this matter of official county business until after the election so as to save certain county officials from embarassment prior to the election? 

What the heck is going on?  I haven't seen anything reported by CNL, the Gasconade County Republican or the Hermann Advertiser-Courier.  Guess I'll have to explore this one with folks down at the coffee shop!


  1. So many Questions and an Commission that has the local media covering for them, by not covering them!!!

    I bet if the Gasconade County Commission members and the media were inundated with phone calls,emails,etc., from their constituents and public, demanding more transparency, we the people my learn more sooner rather than later!!!

    Exersise your rights don't surrender them.
    We the People, will prevail.
    We the Sheeple, get what we deserve.
    Let's be people not a sheeple!!!

  2. Well said, Poor Richard! Thanks for taking time to comment!

    The FREE PRESS around here are more worried about selling ad space than they are about investigating incompetence, lack of professionalism and cronyism in county government. And you just gotta wonder why?


  3. Let's see, ex-add man starts local web based add agency under the guise of Local News Web Site!!! How does that sound???

    I noticed The Local web FREE PRESS will not allow anonymous comments. Why do they need to know who is commenting??? What are they afraid of?

    Keep up the Great Work!!!

  4. The same reason they take pictures of signs in yards, control. Threats intimidation and covering up facts and truth. The free press.. has been under the good'ole boys direction since day one. The people in the north end of the county or being stripped of all rights and power. You will only see the parts of the audit they want you to see!

  5. The state audit showed how incompetent our treasurer is and how poorly our county is run. The independent audit is designed to deal with the facts and show us were all the problems are and were all the money is or not. I don't think any of this will be let out before the election. Cletus

  6. I am not very up to snuff on this issue, maybe someone could answer a few ???? for me.

    How did this audit come about to begin with?
    Was it requested by anyone or was it petitioned for?
    Would calling the County Prosecuting Attorney and bugging them for information regarding the release the audit do any good?

    Any hearsay is greatly appreciated!!!

  7. Richard? Dick? Same guy!! hahaha! Yep! Also, you brag about your new camera and you have a cell phone, but no pictures of the allegations about someone taking pictures of signs. I'd say, the comment is a flat out lie! where's the proof? Does this mean, if you insist it's true, we have a pervert stalker in Hermann following people about? why were the cops not called?? Also, how does one hand over a photo album, of digital pictures? As to the Audit, its done, by law. every county gets the same treatment. nothing special going on here it seems, just someone once again, making mountains out of mole hills! Typical democrat muckraking, if you have no facts, make up big lies!
