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Gasconade County Courthouse Hermann, MO Photo by Dick Schaefer (Hermann Hearsay) Copyright protected. All rights reserved. |
Post: 1,298
A new poll opened tonight.
The poll question is as follows:
"Which Gasconade County Commissioner recently spoke out against paying the increased health and dental insurance premium for county employees and ultimately abstained from voting on a motion to pay for the increased premium?"
Available responses are:
Ron Jost
Jerry Lairmore
Matt Penning
Note: The correct answer/response to this poll question may be found by reading the front-page article on this subject which appeared in the December 15th edition of The Hermann Advertiser-Courier. The article reports on the December 9th Gasconade County Commission Meeting held at the county courthouse in Hermann. As of this date, no other "news" publisher in the county has published this same information.
Reciprocal Links: http://www.DSchaefer.Vemma.com (Nutrition For A Lifetime), http://www.Heart2HeartLyrics.blogspot.com (Song Lyrics Seeking Singer-Songwriters), http://www.HermannMoNews.blogspot.com (The 'Drudge Report' of Hermann), http://www.RivertownRecipes.blogspot.com (Great Local Recipes), http://www.WatkinsOnline.com/richardhschaefer (Watkins Natural Products)
Other Recommended Links: http://www.HermannAdvertiserCourier.com (Gasconade County's Newspaper of Record), http://www.Time4Pie.com (Great Pie, Coffee & Conversation)
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, we missed that!
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to Hermann MO News' original Dec 10th story (now updated!):
Gasconade County Missouri Commissioners Take Care of Their Own Employees
Thanks again!!!
Poor Richard 2011 (editor - Hermann MO News)
Thanks! We are posting your comment, so others may use the link to your story re. the December 9th county commissioners meeting in which the commissioner who will himself receive thousands of dollars of "legal bill compensation" sought to deny county employees full health and dental benefits and then just "abstained" on the official vote. He opposed having the county pay the increased premium, but didn't have the guts to vote "NO" when the vote was called. The Hermann A-C caught this point and printed it in their 12/15 edition.
I looked on CHICKENCRAPLIVE and it still isn't posted. They usually put up a 9x10 color glossy! Please let Madman comment on this if he has the stones..
ReplyDeleteI hope your not waiting for anyone else to report this. It's not happening!
ReplyDeleteEditor....no need to post this on this thread. Have you picked up on the Admin Building story at the school? The city does not charge the school for the building permits for the new admin building. 5000 sq ft vs 4000 sq ft in bond issue. See comments on the Chickencraplive website. It would be a great story to cover and have a comment section.
ReplyDeleteIt was reported on CNL here: http://www.countynewslive.com/content/subscribers-gasconade-county-commission-returns-paying-100-county-employee-health-and-dental
ReplyDeleteSounds like the above (Admin Building)feel good story has been covered...money well deferred or spent...not sure what if any, issue there is!
ReplyDeleteThe Admin Building is going to be built and the City does something nice to help out, not the kinda of thing I would even want to vote on...unlike raising the electric rates or restarting a phone tax, that should be left to 'The People' to Vote On and decide!
Just my opinion, which ain't worth...
ReplyDeleteI copied and pasted the URL you provided. (Thanks a lot!) But my access was denied. Guess that's because I don't pay the $19.95 CNL toll fee! Must be another one of those "hidden" reports. Therefore I am unable to confirm that CNL reported on Jerry Lairmore's "waffling" on the vote to provide county health/dental premium coverage at 100%. My understanding is that Lairmore
"waffled" when Matt Penning made motion to cover 100% of the increased premium. Lairmore said he couldn't support the motion and he couldn't vote against the motion. Lairmore, in his typical true political form, abstained from voting! Did CNL cover this aspect of the story?
Lois Lame
Assistnt Editor
Should not have done that Lois...It's a dirty trick to attach cookies and other JUNK to your computer system!!! Beware of that site they are very intrusive!!! I have the software that can prove it, i.e. before and after tests!!!
ReplyDeleteDo a complete scan and clear out ALL COOKIES, INTERNET CACHE, after every visit to that site...FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION...Not to mention the well being of your computer system!
The Lunar Eclispe Happens Overnight TONIGHT!!!
Some sites like to report on early Sightings of Rudolf Impostors, The Eclipse IS REAL!!!
I've only been reporting and adding info and re-posting for days now...I guess that is why I keep showing up HIGH on Google Search!!!
Hey but what do I know...I am only a Damn Blogger!!!! LMAO
BUMMER...I just looked up the over-night forecast for Hermann and it calls for 94% cloud cover...but you never know in Missouri, It lasts close to an Hour of Full Eclipse...well that is why I included a time lapsed VIDEO from 2007...A lot warmer watching that way!
ReplyDeleteI hope you are not being followed by BC007!
Lois, As an occasional reader, I don't understand some of your beefs with paying for news. Why does CNL's $19.95 a year fee bug you so much? The A-C charges 75 cents a week, which is $39 a year and you don't complain about that. The logic escapes me.
ReplyDeleteThanks for being an "occasional reader"! CNL's fee will increase to $24.95 on January. I find their content inferior to that of the Hermann A-C. And I find some of their articles biased and skewed. I've heard that they will not accept comments which differ from their point of view. With the Hermann A-C, I can cut coupons, take the paper along with me to the office or coffee shop, get a larger selection of classified ads, see public notices like whose property is being foreclosed on and then ultimately use the paper to wrap up fish guts and rabbit entrails. I supplement the weekly A-C with a big dose of local and national TV news and FREE news from the popular and rapidly growing www.hermannmonews.blogspot.com.
And that, sir, is my logic. I am sorry it escapes you!
Lois Lame
Assistant Editor
If someone messed up my computer just for surfing which happened a few months ago can I charge them for the damage or just bust them a good one? Maybe we should have a poll.. I already know my vote. Cletus Thank you Poor Richard for letting me know what these assholes are doing!
ReplyDeleteWell, first off, I'm not a sir, I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, but anyway, I still don't see the value in weekly news vs. daily news. As far as coupons go, you can always print off an online coupon, in fact, you can print any online story if you are so concerned about taking it with you. Nowadays, most people have a smart phone and you can have online news anywhere your phone is. Then there's the whole video thing that takes news and advertising to the next level. It's almost like favoring the horse and buggy over the automobile. Sure, nostalgia is nice, but I'd rather look to the future than be stuck in the past with old technology.
ReplyDeleteAs far as your complaints against CNL specifically, I don't know what proof you have of biased articles, especially if you don't read it, how could you know? And anyone can comment on there - I do it whenever the mood strikes me - you just have to use your real name and not slander anyone.
It still escapes me why someone would prefer the old weekly news system over the new online daily system. (I guess the only reason would be nostalgia?)
ReplyDeletePR2011 tells me there is technology available which can track and document unwanted and intrusive activities, i.e. cookie attachment, hacking attempts, etc. by those who wish to do you harm. Whether this type of despicabe activity is prosecutable or not is something we are having a law firm look into for us. Whether or not legal remedies are available, we do believe that having accumulated and documented clear evidence of intrusive and damaging activities, we would at least be able to publish a "warning" to our readers.
The PR damage to any organization attempting to intrude upon individual internet users and/or other websites would be a consequence not anticipated by the obsessive-compulsive geeks, hackers and paranoid schizos which are attempting to do harm to others!
Lois Lame
Assistant Editor