Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Temporary Live Webcam At 4th & Schiller Streets

Published by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

A dark rainy November night at 4th & Schiller Streets in Hermann!  Sorry, our webcam broke at 7:30 pm tonight, so we have substituted a still image of a rainy intersection in New York City!  Our crews will work through the night until the live webcam image is restored!


  1. ae_newman@hotmail.comNovember 20, 2009 at 11:50 AM


    I still can't see anything! Is your webcam still down?

    A.E. Newman
    Bland, MO

  2. Mr. Newman,

    Thanks for your interest! Our webcam was a second-hand unit and it failed almost immediately after we installed. We have ordered a new unit and will install it as soon as we receive it. Our dedicated crew worked all through a rainy night (Wednesday) trying to fix the second-hand unit. Alas, they just couldn't get it to function properly.

    I appreciate your loyal readership and hope you will return often.

    Clark Kant
    Editor In Chief
