Friday, May 7, 2010

Man On The Street Interview #3, Part B - Status of Courthouse Project

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

Earlier this week, on Wednesday, May 5th to be precise, I caught up with Barry Schmelly in the parking lot at the Gasconade County Courthouse.  I asked Barry some questions about the status of the Courthouse Project, and Barry gave me an earful to say the least.  Barry was eager to talk about this subject at length, but we ran out of time.  So, we agreed to continue our discussion today.  We met at a local coffee shop in  Hermann early this morning.

If you want to read or re-read Part A of our interview, you can click on the following link:

Here is Part B of my interview with Barry Schmelly:

Jimmy:  "Thanks for agreeing to continue our interview from earlier this week!  You obviously have some strong viewpoints on the subject of restoring the County Courthouse and expanding and improving county office space."

Barry:  "Yes I do, Jimmy!  I just think our generation has an obligation to future generations to pass on a legacy we can all be proud of.  I think we should pass on a world to our children and grandchildren which is better in every respect than the one we inherited.  And by that I mean to include public roads, streets, highways, bridges, utilities, buildings and infrastructure of every kind."

Jimmy:  "Wow! That's a pretty lofty goal, Barry!  Do you think that's realistic?  There is sooooo much to do!  And so much controversy."

Barry:  "Realistic or not, we HAVE to do it, Jimmy!  We HAVE to find a way!  That's what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents did for us!  Each generation builds upon and improves what was given to them by their ancestors, by the generation which passed before it!  We CANNOT allow ourselves to be the generation that breaks the chain.  We CANNOT be the first generation in America to TAKE, TAKE, TAKE and fail to GIVE BACK!  Don't ya see, Jimmy?!  We have a duty to fulfill."

Jimmy:  "But nothing or at least very little has been done to maintain let alone restore and improve the county courthouse during our generation!"

Barry:  "Exactly my point, Jimmy!  Exactly my point!  It's high time our generation resolve to do what needs to be done!  We haven't done much to preserve and spruce up that wonderful lady that overlooks the Missouri River and welcomes visitors into Gasconade County.  We haven't given our county employees the modern office facilities they need in the 21st century.  But it's not too late!  Our generation still has a chance to do what we know must be done!"

Jimmy:  "Ya know, Barry, I think you're right!  Guess I never thought about that aspect of the Courthouse Project debate before."

Barry:  "It could be that a lot of other people haven't thought about that aspect either, Jimmy!  Maybe we've all been caught up in the petty, selfish politics of the matter.  Maybe we've all been caught up in the debate of whether to restore that venerable old building or start afresh with a new building or buildings.  Maybe we've feared and worried too much about asking our fellow citizens to pay higher taxes in order to pay off the public bonds which would finance the project.  Whatever we've been worryin' about, we've been worryin' about all the wrong things.  Instead, we should be concerning ourselves with the obligation we have to the generations who will follow after us."

Jimmy:  "I think I see what you're saying, Barry."

Barry:  "Ya see, Jimmy, that's why I'm so aggravated with our county leadership and business/community leadership.  They are focused in the present, when they should be envisioning the future.  They either have no vision or they have no courage to lead others.  In a few cases, I think they have neither.  In a number of cases, good people have become discouraged by the actions of others on positions of power who choose to do nothing.  Ya see, Jimmy, if the people we've chosen to lead us will just quit worryin' about the things they're worryin' about and lead us with positive conviction, we will follow!"

Jimmy:  "Maybe you're right, Barry."

Barry:  "Well of course I'm right, Jimmy!  Nothing ever got accomplish in this country of ours without strong, courageous, visionary leadership.  And that's what we're missin' right now in Gasconade County.  Don't get me wrong!  We've had a few good people who have tried to move the ball down the field.  But they've allowed two of our county commissioners to stymie the whole darned effort."

Jimmy:  "So, what are we to do, Barry?  The situation seems hopeless!"

Barry:  "Now don't you fret none, Jimmy!  We've always found good leaders in this country when we needed 'em.  And we're gonna to find good leaders again right here in Gasconade County.  They're out there!  They exist just as sure as I'm sittin' here talkin' to you.  They are gettin' mighty fed up with the existing situation.  And they will step forward just when we need them most.  Some are stepping forward now.  Larry Miskel and Sharon Meyer are two recent examples.  I promise you there will be more!"

Jimmy:  "That's encouraging, Barry!  I hope you're right!"

Barry:  "You just wait and see, Jimmy!  You just wait and see!  But we just have to guard against one thing, Jimmy."

Jimmy:  "What's that, Barry?"

Barry:  "A lot of frustration has been built up since 2008 over this issue.  Neighbors have been at odds with neighbors.  Rather than lead in a positive way, some have stirred the pot.  Others have delayed, obstructed and stone-walled. Whether for misguided perceived political gain or for anticipated financial gain, some have actively worked to block the restoration of the courthouse and expansion of county office facilities in Hermann.  This crap has to STOP!  This crap has to be OPENLY CONFRONTED!  We have to band together, perhaps along side people with whom we have previously disagreed, we have to place our egos and personalities aside, and we have to resolve to work toward a solution which is best for Gasconade County."

Jimmy:  "But, can it be done, Barry?"

Barry:  "Yes, I'm optimistic that these things CAN be done!  We have wonderful people in our county!  We just need to 'tweak' our thinking a little bit.  Strong and effective leaders working cooperatively in a positive direction can help us do just that!"

Jimmy:  "Time has flown by once again, Barry.  I thank you for doing this 'Man In The Street' interview.  I think it's been one of our best yet!  I'm eager to see what kind of response we're going to get from our readers!"

Jimmy Oldsun

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1 comment:

  1. Henrietta HornschwagelMay 7, 2010 at 8:23 AM

    I think Barry just said what many people have been thinking.

