Monday, April 25, 2011

"The Nanny State Can't Last" by Dr. Ron Paul

Published by Dick Schaefer, Part-time Contributing Writer; Amateur Investigative Reporter; Aspiring Photo-Journalist, Creator of "Ralphie's Buffalo Chips" Column and Loyal Mizzou Fan

Date:  4/25/2011
Post:  2,155

Dr. Ron Paul has been railing against runaway government spending on unconstitutional entitlement programs for years .... but few have listened to him. Now, as the debt crisis bears down upon our nation, I hope that more people will finally listen to this man.

The Nanny State Can't Last
Ron Paul

Last week, Congress and the administration refused to seriously consider the problem of government spending. Despite the fear-mongering, a government shutdown would not have been as bad as claimed.

It is encouraging that some in Washington seem to be insisting on reduced spending, which is
definitely a step in the right direction, but only one step. We have miles to go before we can
even come close to a solution, and it will involve completely redefining the role of government in
our lives and on the world stage. A compromise was struck at the last minute, but until
Democrats agree to rein in entitlement spending, and Republicans back off the blank checks to
the military industrial complex, it all amounts to political gamesmanship.

Unfortunately, the compromises always seem to be just the opposite. Instead of the left
agreeing to cut social spending and the right agreeing to cut military spending, the right agrees
to more welfare and the left agrees to more warfare. In spite of all the rhetoric, we will go
deeper in debt, the Fed will print more money, and the value of the dollar will continue to
plummet. How long will it be before foreigners stop buying our debt, and hyperinflation arrives?
Throughout history, empires have always overextended themselves through conquests and
wealth transfers leading to eventual collapse, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union. We
are headed in the same direction and it seems only the chaos of the collapse of the dollar will
stop the spending spree. Arguing over funding for Planned Parenthood and NPR, though
important, only shows that leadership in Washington either won't face reality, or don't
understand how serious the problem is.

Of course, an actual government collapse would create serious problems for many people who
have come to depend on government payments for healthcare, retirement income, their
children's education, and even food and housing. However, these so-called entitlement
programs are unconstitutional to begin with and have engendered a culture of dependence on
wealth transfer payments that is out of control. It concerns me greatly that instead of dealing
seriously with our situation, so many in Washington would rather allow the chaos that will ensue
when all of the dependent people are suddenly cut off. Better to look reality squarely in the face
and tell people the difficult truth that government is simply not capable of managing people's
lives from cradle to grave as was foolishly promised. We face trillions in deficits with any of the
budgets under consideration. Keeping those promises is, sadly, just not one of our options in
the long run. Better to admit the nanny state is coming to an end and we are no longer working
on "compromises" but a transition - to a sustainable way of life, one that respects the
constitution, the rule of law and property rights.

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