Monday, February 7, 2011

Editorial Comment: Poor Richard's HermannMoNews is going viral!!!!!

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, Editor

Date:  2/7/2011
Post:  1,670

HermannMoNews, a local online news site we have recommended to our own readers, has already gone global and now it is going viral! 

Created and published by Poor Richard a mere 4 months ago, HermannMoNews has met with unprecedented acceptance in our local area and the site is also being read by people from all over the world!  How cool is that!  A local success story!

Poor Richard is not one to boast about his own accomplishments.  You won't find repeated shameless self-promotion on Poor Richard's website.  No!  Poor Richard doesn't have the time to waste patting himself on the back!  Instead he spends the better part of his waking hours finding and researching news stories from across the world which he believes will be of interest to his readers and stories which he believes are likely to impact his readers in some way.

Poor Richard doesn't worry about what other local online news sites are doing.  He doesn't waste anytime at all tracking what they are doing or trying to emulate their approach to news gathering and reporting.  Instead he stays focused on his own unique and highly successful news publishing formula.  And he works hard to find news stories that will be of interest to his readers.  Readers can go to one news website and find most of the important news stories of the day.

When I interviewed Poor Richard today, he told me:  "I just stay focused on the continuous improvement of my news site.   I seek input from my readers, and listen carefully to what they tell me. If there is something I can do to improve the format of my website, I do it immediately.  If there is something I can do to improve the quality and value of the news contenton my website, I do that.  I am here to SERVE my readers.  As Dr. W. Edwards Deming said ..... "So simple!"  I just focus on quality and continuous improvement!"

I've been watching Poor Richard for several months now.  I don't think he will be "poor" much longer!

Reciprocal Links: (Nutrition For A Lifetime), (Song Lyrics Seeking Singer-Songwriters), (The 'Drudge Report' of Hermann), (Great Local Recipes)

Other Recommended Links: (Weather Forecasts), (Embroidery), (Gasconade County's Newspaper of Record), (Official Website of the Missouri Tigers), (Conservative Talk), (Great Pie, Coffee & Conversation), (Obituaries), (Watkins Natural Products)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the kind words Jimmy!!!

    I have started posting a wide variety of videos on YouTube here is my channel link:

    I plan on adding videos often so remember to bookmark the link.

    Thanks again Jimmy and thanks to all your wonderful Readers!!!
