Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Editorial Comment: "Give us your tired, your bullied, bloodied and browbeaten, Your huddled masses yearning to express viewpoints freely"

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

Date:  12/7/2010
Post:  1,255

Apparently we have once again "hit a nerve"!  Yesterday's "Quote Of The Day" posting mocked Hank Vonk's 12/6 "Letter to the Editor" over at online "news" website CNL.  We received a number of comments from disaffected CNL subscribers who are tired of being "relentlessly bullied" by the "Hanksta" aka "The Bully From The South"

One of our own staff members, himself a past CNL reader and commenter, can relate to this.  Dick Schaefer, one of our contributing writers and investigative bloggers, often had trouble getting his comments posted by the publisher of CNL.  He butted heads with publisher Jeff Noedel on numerous occasions.  Schaefer can relate to those who have experienced the "relentless brow-beating and bullying" of Hank Vonk aka Luckyrider when he was able to get his "unpopular" viewpoints published as comments on CNL.

And now we see that others are openly complaining about Hank Vonk and CNL.  For your convenience, you may click on this link to go back and re-read yesterday's "Quote Of The Day" along with comments from our readers:  http://hermannhearsay.blogspot.com/2010/12/quote-of-day-monday-1262010.html.

To all disaffected, unappreciated, disrespected, over-charged, browbeaten CNL paid subscribers, Hermann Hearsay makes this open invitation to all of you:

"Give us your tired, your bullied, bloodied and browbeaten,

Your huddled masses yearning to express viewpoints freely,

The wretched refuse of your over-priced "news" website.

Send these, your disrespected and unappreciated, to us;

We lift our lamps beside the open door of FREE speech!"

Hermann Hearsay ..... a friendly site for  FREE thinkers, FREE subscriptions and FREE speech!

Reciprocal Links:  http://www.DSchaefer.Vemma.com (Nutrition For A Lifetime), http://www.Heart2HeartLyrics.blogspot.com (Song Lyrics Seeking Singer-Songwriters), http://www.HermannMoNews.blogspot.com (The 'Drudge Report' of Hermann), http://www.RivertownRecipes.blogspot.com (Great Local Recipes), http://www.WatkinsOnline.com/richardhschaefer (Watkins Natural Products)

Other Recommended Links:  http://www.HermannAdvertiserCourier.com (Gasconade County's Newspaper of Record), http://www.Time4Pie.com (Great Pie, Coffee & Conversation)


  1. "One of our own staff members, himself a past CNL reader and commenter, can relate to this. Dick Schaefer"
    Are you still acting like there's more than just you running this site?? You are a mental case!! LOL!

    Relentless Bullying??? LOL!!! I don't know about you, but I CAN count!! That "Hanksta" guy, well I'd say, conservatively, you have about a 5 to 1 ratio of attacks against him and those you don't like, compared to posts he has on CNL... so once again, you're full of it. Don't believe me? then Count em for yourself! Sad you have to stretch the truth so far, but a person with your mental state, I can understand the need for all you visions of grandeur.. since you're a nothing... enjoy, and write 5 more attacks against anyone who doesn't agree with you , using you goofy names of course! LOL! you flake! And you still do not seem to want to face the facts, not all who think you guys are wrong, are from down south! You constant delusions do amuse us though...

  2. Always a great pleasure to welcome you back to Hermann Hearsay, A. Nonymous! All of us here are so happy that we can entertain you and give you an opportunity to express yourself. What else would you do with yourself on a cold Wednesday night in December?!

    Thank God for our free speech rights! And God bless America!

    Jimmy Oldsun

  3. Ok, if you want to talk of fair and honest reporting, I'm looking here, on you site, for the Story of where John Penning, at an on the record City Alderman's meeting, all but handed the Plaintiffs in the Arbor Lawsuit against the City of Hermann,the ammo they needed, to win and basically bankrupt Hermann, if they do! Penning admitted that the City, did in fact intentionally use extra revenue, "overcharges if you will", at the Electric company to fund other City Government agencies. This is one of the points of that Lawsuit, and Penning handed it to the Plaintiffs on a silver Platter.. you did report it didn't you?? Or do you only cover stories attacking those you do not like.. and ignore the rest?

  4. Build it and they will come! Looks like the "tired, bullied, bloodied and browbeaten" are indeed coming! They may not be polite or gentile, but let them spew their venom anyway, Jimmy! It's quite "entertaining" for the rest of us!


  5. So A. Nonymous, you're blowin' a lot of smoke here! Why don't you tell us what your real name is?! I mean .... IF you're proud of your comments, I should think you'd like to tell us your name. I won't hold my breath!

    Clyde B.

  6. Yo! A. Nonymous!

    Yo momma wears combat boots!


  7. Jimmy,

    I'm one of those tired CNL refugees. I went there initially for the obituaries, but then they started reporting on car wrecks and brush fires. B-O-R-I-N-G !!!

    Morticia Addams

  8. I think Hank Vonk rocks!

  9. I wish HermannNEWS were still in business! I bounce around from site to site.


  10. I'm one of the CNL refugees as well and wrote about the "bully from the south" the other day. I do not, have not, nor will I work for HH. In fact. I don't even know who these folks really are. BUT, they do provide a forum for open, honest, and UNCENSORED debate. At lease HH isn't so busy kissing the ass of the local politicians that they forget what they do. Has anyone noticed how chummy the Editor-in-Chief of CNL is with the county and city officials? In fact, is anyone other than me concerned that a Hermann Alderman works for them? At least some folks in Hermann (Hermann Hearsay) has not lost their objectivity.

    I think that the Hansta rocks too....but it's the boat that he rocks. He calls for county unity over and over and then refers to elected officials as "Gangstas" and "Possees".

  11. Guy from Hermann,

    We here at HH appreciate your support, and we agree with you that a Hermann Alderman should not have an ownership interest in or work for a local news media organization. Seems like it sets up the likely possibility of various types of conflicts of interest. Why would Jeff Noedel, owner and publisher of CNL, not see this as a potential conflict? Why would the Alderman in question not recognize the owner/employee relationship as a conflict?

    If you will get yourself a VHS tape of the December 2 County Commission meeting held in Owensville, you will notice that Dave Marner (GCR) and Jeff Noedel (CNL) sat right at the table with the 3 commissioners and the County Clerk. Pretty chummy, eh? In this meeting (and it has happened in others), Jeff Noedel asked questions during the Commission Meeting and he made an attempt at humor about the Solid Waste Banquet involving Hermann High School students. He is too chummy during meetings. Don Kruse (Hermann A-C) by contrast behaves professionally, sitting with the public and never butting in with questions or comments unless/until invited to do so. If Don asks a question, he waits until he along with the public are invited to do so by the Presiding Commissioner near the end of the meeting.

    By the way, if you don't get cable TV and want to see County Commission Meetings, you can purchase video copies of the meetings at the Hermann City Administration Office at a nominal price. I encourage more people to either attend meetings or watch them on cable TV or purchase video tape copies from time to time. You can pass them around to your friends and neighbors. Have a neighborhood watch party with popcorn and liquid refreshments. The more people who are well-informed about what is going on in our couny government, the better off we will all be.

    Jimmy Oldsun

  12. Richard Smoker=Dick Schaefer....
    morticia,barry, Jimmy=Dick... c'mon dick!

    Again, this site is more a bully site, than that which you like to cut and paste and trash. Way more so... but whatever.

    "At lease HH isn't so busy kissing the ass of the local politicians that they forget what they do."

    And Dick isn't Pimping for Penning and his friends?? Talk about Blind! LOL! Good Lord!

    "Has anyone noticed how chummy the Editor-in-Chief of CNL is with the county and city officials?"

    If you have the nads, why don't you go and ask Noedel why he doesn't cover Penning?? I can tell you now tho, since I know you won't.. Penning has had a standing invitation to got to CNL and have his say, but some are too afraid to face real questions, and give real answers! Don't believe it? Then go and ask, if you won't, then don't comment, you are intentionally denying things

    "Don Kruse (Hermann A-C) by contrast behaves professionally"

    Yeah, real professional...he doesn't even go and cover the Commission meetings! LOL!! Try again...

    And DICK.. once again, as usual, and just like you rip on others for...you ignore news that would hurt those you pimp for, You didn't answer my question about John Penning screwing Hermann over with his stupid comment at that Alderman Meeting!! When you going to report that??? Or are you just like what you charge CNL with??? One sided, covering up?? We're waiting......


  13. A. Nonymous has mocked the idea that CNL Publisher is particularly chummy with some members of the Hermann City Council and some members of the Gasconade County Commission. To the "Guy from Hermann" who observed as follows: "Has anyone noticed how chummy the Editor-in-Chief of CNL is with the county and city officials?", A. Nonymous made fun of his observation.

    Well A. Nonymous, here are some recent facts:

    1. CNL Publisher J. Noedel and GCR Managing Editor Dave Marner sat at same table with Commissioners during the 12/2 Commission Meeting in Owensville. Noedel is recorded on video tape interjecting his comments and questions during the meeting (as though he's an elected county official himself!) Don Kruse of the Hermann A-C had never done that! Don is a professional journalist. Mr. Noedel is a bit too chummy and cannot maintain objectivity! He's not an objective journalist or reporter in my opinion.
    2. CNL Publisher J. Noedel and "Co-Owner" Brian Chorley (also a Hermann Alderman) met for lunch with Ronnie Van Booven (Hermann Alderman) at Lyndee's today (12/9). Their meeting looked pretty chummy to one of our reporters who happened to see them. (Sorry A. Nonymous, he didn't have his camera along to take a photo, but he has a witness or two.) Was this official city business or just a chummy little lunch? You make the call, A. Nonymous.

    I could go on and on! But I won't. You will just spin my words for your own purposes. You folks can't deny the truth which is obvious to even the most casual observer. CNL, J. Noedel and B. Chorley are too close to certain government officials. The question is "Why?" All reporters want access, but what is an over-zealous reporter willing to do to gain more access than his competitor?

    Always great to have your comments, A. Nonymous. Free speech in America is a wonderful thing! Although I don't agree with your opposing viewpoints, I welcome them. I welcome the give and take of ideas.

    Jimmy Oldsun

    P.S. Since you are sooooo curious as to the identity of our staff members, perhaps you will identify yourself? Hmmmmmmm, A. Nonymous?
