Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hermann Hearsay Decides Against Live Coverage On Election Night

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

Date:  10/28/2010
Post:  970

Our competitor over on West Fifth Street has announced that they will be covering the election returns next Tuesday night, 11/2, live from the county courthouse.  Heck, they're even gonna have three of their top correspondents working the election returns on Tuesday night!  That's all fine and dandy, but Hermann Hearsay has decided to just wait and publish the final results on Wednesday.  Why shoot fire folks, we just figure most Hermann people will be watching the World Series on Tuesday night, or the national election returns, or perhaps their favorite TV shows, or maybe they'll be pitchin' washers down at the Eagle Hall, or maybe a few like Elmer Fudd and Quincy McGoo will be drinkin' Stag beer down at Sharp Corner Tavern, or maybe some of the lady folks will be doin' some late night grocery shopping out at Village Market.

So we'll just wait and make our report along with a complete analysis of local election results on Wednesday, 8/3.  We figure most folks here in Hermann can wait to hear the results on Wednesday.  And if y'all can't, well that's just tough luck!

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything." 
~ Joseph Stalin


  1. Good Idea!!! Those who Can, Do!! Those who can't, make a living, and sport mooching off those that do! Much easier to sit back, let someone else do the hard part, then steal parts of their work, for your own use, isn't it! Kind of like the life of a tick, or a Leech! or a bum.....

  2. Madman,

    We are a small organization. We have to set priorities and choose where we assign our reporters. We will continue to do this as we carefully manage our operating costs. Those who don't manage their operating costs will eventually go out of business.

    You are obviously an angry and bitter person. We are happy to continue diplaying evidence thereof by publishing your angry and bitter comments.

    Thanks for your readership!

    Jimmy Oldsun

  3. Hey Madman

    Perhaps we should Burn Matt Drudge at the stake while we are at it.

    The internet started as venue for the sharing of information. Money grabbing scum will turn that great idea into...Cable Television!
