Sunday, August 29, 2010

Editorial Comment: "Gangsta Hanksta" gets it wrong once again!

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

Date:  8/29/2010

Political pundit and provocateur "Gangsta Hanksta" has it ALL figured out!  Just ask him!  He recently proclaimed the reasons for Ron Jost's narrow victory over Larry Miskel for Republican nominee for the office of Gasconade County Presiding Commissioner.  As is so often the case, "Old Hank" is wrong again.

My take on the results of the August 3rd election differs from Hank's.  I say this:

  • Jost won by 16 votes (maybe).  16 votes out of a total of 2788 votes cast ..... a slight margin of only 0.57%.   Nothing much there to crow about!  And what would a 100% manual recount of all votes cast have yielded?  We will never know.  Yet, "Old Hank" seems to be crowing anyway!
  • Jost won because of the low voter turnout of approximately 30% county-wide.  I don't understand the voter indifference!  If the voters couldn't get excited about the race for Presiding Commissioner, I don't know what they can get excited about!
  • Matt Penning's interview with had little if anything to do with the election results. The Penning video interview by reporter Anna Wiegenstein was posted on August 2nd (one day prior to the election) and remained posted on for ONLY one day.  The last I remember it had only been viewed by just a handful of readers prior to election day.  Today (8/29) the three-part interview remains posted at  The YouTube view counts are as follows:  Part 1 - 179 views, Part 2 - 129 views, and Part 3 - 99 views.  Nice try "Hanksta", but I seriously doubt whether Penning's video-taped interview factored into the election results one way or the other.  I only regret that the three-part video-taped interview wasn't posted on a couple weeks earlier when it was originally recorded.
  • This was Larry Miskel's first run for a county-wide office.  He ran against a two-term incumbent. IF Miskel runs again, he will win!  IF he and those of us who supported him had campaigned just a little bit harder, he would have won this time!


  1. Maybe you can find out what happened with the website. Nothing has changed on their website since the first part of August. What's going on?

  2. Jimmy keep up the good work on HHS it's looking better every day! Local News, Comedy, and Quotes will keep driving up your ratings. The Crapster doesn't deserve the print. 49.95% of the voters don't agree with his crap and he'll never get it! Cletus

  3. Hermann News has gone out of Business.

  4. If Hermann News has truly gone out of business, could it be because of karma? Karma is seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, depending upon one's actions. Hmmm.....

  5. Jimmy... try looking under the Latest Stories at top right? Go back about 26 or so pages now. It looks like the Interview has been there and viewable all along, it only left the front page. You missed that one! I went over to CNL and looked, I don't seem to see anyone crowing about anything, but, using the numbers of views you gave, if only 16 people saw the video say what it's supposed to have said, it's quite possible it changed a few minds. And as you said, it was both close, and only 16 votes. Wouldn't have took too many people at all. 129 views, 16 people had second thoughts?. Yes, it's Possible. Another mystery of life!

  6. Karma? Hmm.....I'd watch how that word is it also then "Karma" if one suddenly suffers faiing health? Just sayin', if you're going to bring it up.......

  7. Thanks for the tipoff, A. Nonymous! I found the Penning interviews under "Latest Stories", buried 27 pages deep. I thought the interviews had been taken down altogether. My mistake!

    Re. the presumed cause and effect of the Penning interviews on the Presiding Commissioner election, it may well have been that the phase of the moon had just as much to do with Miskel's slim margin of defeat.

    If people don't get out and vote, we get what we get. I'm afraid that what we're going to get will not any different than what we have gotten during the past 8 years!

