Friday, July 9, 2010

The County Tire Controversy ..... Part IV: Why does Jeff Noedel, CNL Publisher, go out of his way to slam Matt Penning every chance he gets?

Published by Dick Schaefer, Contributing Writer and Part-time Investigative Reporter

Well, Hermann Hearsay readers and concerned taxpayers, we've finally come to Part IV of my four-part series on the Gasconade County controversy.  I've tried to lay out the material facts of the controversy over the purchasing of tires and tires services in the county.  I've tried to provide some facts and figures.  I've tried to explain why Northern District Associate Commissioner Matt Penning has been concerned about the"irregularities" he has found in the paid tire and tire services invoices he has examined during the approximate four year period from 4/18/2005 through 7/25/2009.  I have tried to tell you why he and others (myself included) believe that Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost and Southern District Associate Commissioner Jerry Lairmore made a very unwise decision on 7/1 when they both voted to move to a "no-bid" purchasing program for tires and tire services.

The local reporting about this county controversy as been more than "interesting" to observe.  I don't know what your observations have been, but my observations have been as follows:
  1. Don Kruse at The Hermann Advertiser-Courier hasn't covered every County Commission Meeting during which this topic has been prominently debated.  However, when Don has reported on this controversy, he has been very professional .... fair and balanced, factual and accurate.  Don is a good journalist who received his formal education and training in journalism at Lincoln University in Jefferson City.  I wish Don could attend all the Commission Meetings, but being the only reporter at The A-C, Don is forced to prioritize where he spends his time and what he reports.
  2. Anna Wiegenstein at has attended most of the County Commission Meetings during which this topic has been debated.  Anna's reports are also very professional .... fair and balance, factual and accurate.  Anna is a young reporter who graduated from the University of Iowa in Iowa City.  She is a good journalist now.  She will one day be a great journalist.  Glenn and Carol Warnebold got a "good one" when they hired Anna and brought her to Hermann!
  3. Dave Marner, Managing Editor, at the Gasconade County Republican attends County Commission Meetings when they are held in Owensville.  His attendance at County Commission Meetings in Hermann has been spotty at best, although I will have to say that Mr. Marner is "Johnny-on-the-spot" when tipped off that something controversial is going to be discussed such as the tire contract controversy or when tipped off that someone is going to be "ambushed" during a County Commission Meeting.  I didn't really care for his article about the tire contract controversy which was printed in this week's edition of the GCR.  I judged the article to be inaccurate and one-sided.  My understanding is that Mr. Marner has a degree in photo-journalism.
  4. Jeff Noedel, publisher of, covers the County Commission Meetings very regularly.  Mr. Noedel also covers the Thursday morning (7 a.m.) Road and Bridge Deparment Meetings, particularly when he has been tipped off that something controversial is going to be discussed.  Mr. Noedel's reports about tire contract debates at the County Commission Meetings and Road and Bridge Department Meetings have been (in my opinion) one-sided, biased and more focused on the interpersonal sparring that goes on between the Commissioners than upon the actual facts of the county's poorly managed tire and tire services purchasing program.  I think it is obvious to most observers that Mr. Noedel regularly goes out of his way to cast Northern District Associate Commissioner Matt Penning in the worst possible light he can ..... every chance he can.  I have found Mr. Noedel's reports during these tire contract debates to be biased, one-sided, often inaccurate and often embarrassingly superficial with absolutely NO probing into the actual facts of the matter.  To my knowledge, Mr. Noedel has NO formal education or training in the field of journalism.  It shows!
Why does Jeff Noedel, CNL Publisher, go out of his way to slam Matt Penning every chance he gets?  I haven't been the only person to observe this.  This dynamic has been going on for a very long time.  It didn't begin with the county tire contract controversy, and it will NOT likely end with the county tire contract controversy.

Why does a self-proclaimed "unbiased and independent journalist" do what Noedel does?  To be more specific:
  1. Why did Noedel involve himself (along with Commissioners Jost and Lairmore) in the group pile-on accusation, interrogation and brow-beating of Commissioner Penning at the 7/1 Road and Bridge Department Meeting?  Not very "unbiased and independent" if you ask me!  Very unprofessional for a news reporter at any level!  Take a look at Noedel's self-reported, self-incriminating, "copyrighted, all rights reserved", transcript evidence yourself by clicking on:  (As a side note, one has to wonder why Presiding Commissioner Jost permitted Mr. Noedel, who has been elected to NO position of authority by the citizens of Gasconade County, would participate in the aggressive, inquisition-style cross-examination of Associate Commissioner Penning?  The only thing these guys didn't do during the cross-examination of Penning was to water-board him!)
  2. Why does Noedel "huddle" with Clerk Lesa Lietzow, Presiding Commisioner Ron Jost, and Southern District Associate Commissioner Jerry Lairmore in the County Clerk's office immediately after so many of the County Commission Meetings?  Afterall, Presiding Commissioner Jost (to his credit) always calls for comments and questions from all meeting attendees at the conclusion of each meeting.  If Noedel has questions or comments, why doesn't he voice them at the appropriate time instead of following Lietzow, Jost and Lairmore like a little puppy back into the Clerk's office when the meeting is over?  I'm not a "journalist", so I can't pretend to know the meaning of these actions.  I only know that I never observe journalists Don Kruse or Anna Wiegenstein participate in these exclusive "post-meeting huddles".  They sit in the open portion of the Commission Meetings, they take notes of the meeting, they take a photo or two and then they ask a question (if they have one) and only when invited to do so by the Presiding Commissioner.
  3. Why does Noedel exchange email messages with Southern District Associate Commissioner Jerry Lairmore and his son, Kyle Lairmore?  What gives with that?  The emails I have seen (there are several) aren't just friendly casual communications which seek to ask honest and legitimate questions about county business or Missouri Deparment of Conservation business.  No siree Bob!  I would have NO problem with such email communications.  But the ones I have seen contain bitter hate speech directed against various individuals such as Matt Penning, Sharon Meyer, Mike Jacquin and me.  Now, I'm a big boy!  "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me!"  Bring it on, Jeffy Pooh!  But I am concerned about my friends.  What kind of "unbiased and independent journalist" engages in this type of paranoid, hate-driven email communication with an elected public official and his son who is a state employee? 
  4. Why does Noedel avoid reporting on the hard facts of the tire contract controversy, choosing instead to parrot the accusations of Jost and Lairmore, who claim that Penning's concerns about county tire and tire services purchasing and accounting are strictly motivated by politics?  Why doesn't Noedel do his homework?  Why doesn't Noedel do some thorough investigative reporting?  Is it because that kind of reporting is too dull, because facts and figures make the eyes of busy readers glaze over, etc.?  Or is it because it would turn up real facts which contradict what Jost and Lairmore are saying?  My friends, is it because Mr. Noedel has long ago decided who he was going support and who he was going to slam ...... with absolutely NO regard for the actual merits of their respective positions?
In my opinion, Mr. Noedel has lost whatever "journalistic objectivity" he may have ever had.  Instead of reporting ON the story, Mr. Noedel has increasingly become PART of the story!  As a "journalist", Mr. Noedel has unfortunately lost all credibility in this community.  More and more, he is becoming the laughing stock of this community!  It is time to move on, Mr. Noedel!


  1. Dick I hope Mcdonalds is a safe place for you to visit. I wonder about consulting someone about this....

  2. Dick how many Newmans have big ears and freckels and live in the Bland area? Cletus

  3. I don't know why you are obsessed with demeaning Jeff Noedel every chance you get. I am impressed with the info you have produced on the tire issue, but you have access to Mr. Penning that no one else has. Mr. Penning has a difficult time communicating his points in public. He acts as though he expects people to read his mind. If he explained his reasoning for bringing up the tire issue better than he has, I'm sure there would be more in depth reporting. If Mr. Penning wished to share this information on the tire invoices, as he has with you, with other people, I'm sure more people may be interested.
    As it is right now, Mr. Penning won't return Mr. Noedel's calls and to him it is a waste of time to even try to ask him any questions outside of a meeting. Mr. Penning knows he has an open invitation to talk to Mr. Noedel any time he wishes and Mr. Penning chooses to ignore him. You can't get information from someone who does not want to give it.
    If Mr. Penning wants to get more traction for this tire story, he better brush up on his communication skills and get his message out. Saying we should get our $42,000 back is too vague and doesn't explain the discrepancies you point out here.
    If Mr. Penning feels left out of these "post-meeting huddles" I'm sure if he would join them no one would object. Communication is a 2-way street and if he wants his point of view to be heard in County News Live, then he needs to grow up and talk to Jeff Noedel.
    Mr. Schaefer, since you have decided to use your real name in these reports, I will follow suit and sign my name as well.
    Brian Chorley

  4. Dick it's good that more people are reading your tire report. It's clear that our money is not being handled well! I have a question for Mr. Chorley, how is Jeff so connected to Larimore? I think it would be great if Mr. Penning were to do an interveiw with someone and let people know what has been going on. Not CNL. D. Mae

  5. D. Mae, I wouldn't say Jeff is "connected" to Lairmore. They are cordial with each other and they have a lot of discussions. Jeff is like that with every politician. It's funny to me how different people react to Jeff. He is friendly to everyone he meets, and he goes out of his way to get to know politicians. The problem is some politicians get defensive around him and won't give him the time of day. I don't know why people react that way (I can't read minds) but some do. I know Jeff has a good relationship with probably 75% or more of our local politicians. I wouldn't say he's "connected" to any of them. He's just trying to get to know the people he reports on. If you remember when Mr. Penning was campaigning, Jeff gave him a long interview and he got to say whatever he wanted. I don't know what happened, but somewhere along the way Mr. Penning shut Jeff out and I don't really know why. I'm sure Mr. Penning could have a similar cordial relationship with Jeff, like Lairmore does, but it would be up to Mr. Penning to communicate with Jeff. As it is now, Jeff has tried to contact him on several issues, but been shut out. Anyway, it's just my two cents.

    If you really want accurate answers about Jeff's relationships with the Commissioners, you'd have to ask him yourself.

    Brian Chorley

  6. Brian I'm glad you liked Dick's tire report, it shows how poorly the county has been run. I can assure you many more News Outlets are very interested in this report. All except CNL and the Gasconade County Republican.Since Mr. Chorley used his own name he will be treated with respect as everyone is at Hermannhearsay. To answer your question I made a few calls,one was to Mr. Penning. Matt wonders why you failed to ask him anything when you where less than 30 feet from him this week in Hermann and he said hello? I asked him your questions and got your reply. What few times Matt made the mistake of talking to Jeff he twisted the truth and made it point to stick it in his a--! Jeff won't print anything that makes Larimore or Jost look bad and there was been a lot to print! Jeff and others have been real busy pulling crap on Matt and anyone around him and we have the paper trail to prove it! Aug 3 2009 Matt was turned in to the Ethics Board for of all things working on the courthouse grounds donating his time and labor to the taxpayers of this county.This work was approved by the commission and recorded on tape.This was filed against him by Klye Larimore on Aug 3, 2009 and quickly thrown out Nov 12, 2009 by the Ethics Board. This is not the first time and they were all thrown out! Jeff Noedel was told of this and would not report it.If anyone wants to know why no work is being done on the Courthouse, this and the fake breakin was all staged to keep people away, GCCS Good luck. I really liked Jeff's E mail hoping for a drive by with a AK-47 at the Owensville McDonalds when Newman offered to have coffee with some of you good ole boys. What a piece of work! Hope you all figure out who A. E. Newman is, it's cracking me up!!I guess Jeff or Jerry had Marner come to Hermann thursday to see Dick get screwed over about his report. Seems funny the Sheriff was called in but didn't no why. Do you think Dick leaving early had something to do with it? When Dick comes back from vacation I'm sure he will investigate all of this better than I can. Me and Fred are watching Newman's mules while everyone is in Branson and now it's time to feed. Cletus Snow and Fred reporting from Newman's Mule Farm.. Bland Mo.

  7. Good to hear from you Brian! I think you are the right man with government experience to ask a few questions. Jeff says play nice but he calls the tire report TIREGATE.. sad remark isn't it? My questions are, would you spend thousands of dollars in Hermann without getting bids? Would you let venders work for Hermann and just trust them to charge a fair price? What would you tell the citizens in Hermann when they ask how their money is spent? Do you question Jost's statement that 95% of the casings are bad when Central Tire paid the county several thousand dollars in one year!! I'm sure Mr. Lewis didn't give us that much money out of his pocket. Check all this out I'd like to hear from you. I still think Jeff is connected, and I have been receiving a lot calls and Email telling me of all the dirty little secrets Jeff has covered up. I hope you a starting to see what a prize Hank is. Let's move on... I'm glad to see leading Democrat Gary Leabam is backing Larry Miskel in the Primary! All Democrats should get out and vote for Larry! Many of us have been working hard for many months to get this done.The county needs to move forward and this is the only way it's ever going to happen!..... This is Cletus and Fred still Mule Settin at Newmann's Ranch where the temp at 9.30 wed evening is 87 deg. Newman left the frig full of cold Bud and bought Fred a Pool how cool is that!! Cletus

  8. Sorry it took so long to reply to this, but I now have had the time to look over the facts as you presented them.

    One thing I would recommend is even when you have evidence like this, it doesn't always mean there was a bad intent behind it. Unless you can prove intent, it makes your arguement a lot better if you just stick to the facts and make your point clearly. From looking over the details, it's hard to say if the unbid items are required to be bid or not. From your citing of state law, here are the requirements to be bid:

    "It is not necessary to obtain bids on any purchase in the amount of four thousand five hundred dollars or less made from any one person, firm or corporation during any period of ninety days."

    So, I would want to know how those purchases are spread out over time. Also, I would want to figure out if there are any times that getting a job done quicker saves more money than by spending time travelling to the low bidder. For example, let's say a grader gets a flat tire just outside of Hermann. How much time would it take to get someone out from Owewnsville to replace the tire, vs. going with a local Hermann vendor? If you have a Road Dept. worker waiting for a repair, it's costing the county some money by having that person wait while not getting any work done. I think there needs to be some discussion on if or how much time is wasted by travelling across county to save 2%. Also, I don't know where you lump things in together on a large bid. Everything is a separate line item, so tires can be grouped together, labor can be grouped together, but should "other materials" and batteries be lumped in all together?

    From looking at your evidence, I would have to agree that the procurement system is not run effeciently when you have invoices that aren't signed and the paperwork is as sloppy as it is. The system should be cleaned up.

    I think the county should look at a few factors when deciding about bidding out the tires. First, if they spend more than $4500 in a 90-day period with one vendor on tires, then I think that should be bid out. I think the paperwork system needs to be cleaned up to be made more effecient and transparent. I would also look into the time vs. low-bid factor as well and give the Road Dept some flexibility if they think they can get back on a piece of equipment quicker by going to place B instead of place A.
    Anyway, that's just my two cents.
    Brian Chorley
