Thursday, July 29, 2010

BREAKING NEWS - Presiding Commissioner Jost Angrily Lashes Out At Attendee Of Today's County Commission Meeting

Published by Dick Schaefer, Unpaid, Part-time Contributing Writer and Amateur Investigative Reporter

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."  ~ Sir Walter Scott


Two eyewitness sources called this morning to inform Hermann Hearsay that Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost angrily lashed out at Hermann Alderman John Penning, one of the attendees at this morning's Gasconade County Commission Meeting at the Courthouse.  Jost is reported to have jumped up from behind his desk as he then came out into the public seating area where the elderly John Penning was seated.  Jost towered over the seated Penning in an angry, threatening way.  At that point, Jost demanded that John Penning leave the meeting or he (Jost) would ask that the Sheriff have him removed.  Jost then declared the public portion of the meeting closed and cleared the meeting room of all attendees which included other citizens and members of the press.  At that point, the Commission went into a planned closed session meeting to receive a preliminary report from the state auditors.

(Photo insert above right courtesy of Anna Wiegenstein at

Hermann Hearsay will be purchasing a copy of the video tape recorded by Charlie Brown today so that we can review the angry exchange between Ron Jost and John Penning.  We will also be reviewing an audio recording of the meeting made available to us by one of the meeting attendees.  We will report more details to you later this evening or tomorrow just as soon as we can sort through "who said what".

Note:  Jeff Noedel of posted an article on his "news" website just 22 minutes after the Commission Meeting abruptly ended.  In his article, Noedel "spins" the story to his own personal suiting.  Noedel published his "preliminary teaser report" in such a way as to make it appear that both John Penning and Matt Penning were the villains in this morning's meeting.  Noedel has thus far not reported very much about what led to this incident which was something that occurred at last Thursday's Road Department meeting.  We will be monitoring CNL's "reporting" on this story.  The question is ... Will it be another one of those secret hidden postings available to paid subscribers only?  Or will Noedel publish his report for all the world to see?

Anyone in Hermann who has cable TV should make plans to watch or record the video tape broadcast of this morning's County Commission Meeting which will be aired tomorrow (Friday) on the City of Hermann's public channel.  This morning's County Commission meeting was apparently very exciting, but it was also extremely disfunctional ..... just as so many of them have previously been !

Once again, we have further undeniable, graphic, video-recorded proof that Ron Jost is neither intellectually nor tempermentally fit to lead this county.  And with the latest reporting by Jeff Noedel, we see that no matter what the substance of the wrong-doing or unprofessional conduct by Jerry Lairmore or Ron Jost, the reporting by CNL is always spun so that the blame is cast upon someone else.  This morning, it just happened to be the elderly father of Matt Penning who got "thrown under the bus" so Lairmore and Jost could be protected.

During this morning's meeting, John Penning, a Hermann Alderman, confronted Jerry Lairmore about calling his son a "lieing son-of-a-bitch" at last Thursday's Road Department meeting in the presence of Presiding Commissioner Jost (who did absolutely nothing to stop it) and three county employees.  Amazingly, Noedel has found a way to make the story about John Penning telling Jost to "shut up" and Matt Penning's efforts to bring the county' tire purchasing problems to light rather than to make the story about the gross unprofessionalism of Jerry Lairmore and the failure by Ron Jost to maintain decorum at the County's Road Department Meetings.

Ain't it interesting that Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost managed to find the intestinal fortitude to confront citizen John Penning for "being out of line" during this morning's meeting but could not find that same intestinal fortitude to confront Southern District Associate Commissioner Jerry Lairmore exactly one week ago for "being out of line" for badgering, brow-beating and calling his colleague a "lieing son-of-a-bitch"?  Double standard, Mr. Jost?

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  1. Well...Don't you just love it when our buddy slams people making honest statements well .. its easy to see that CHEAPNEWSLIVE is real slanted! Sadamm What? Well.. I think the propeller has flew off his little beanie. Good reporting Dick I can't wait till you post the rest of the the story. It's easy to see why ratings for Hermannhearsay or climbing! Cletus

  2. I've had it with Lairmore and Jost! They're nothing but thugs with political titles to make them seem more honest, reputable and professional than they actually are!

    Vote for Miskel on August 3rd and vote against Lairmore in 2012!

  3. Maybe a RECALL for Penning needs to be started!! His nastiness has gone on long enough!! You should know this sonny!!

  4. Maybe a RECALL for JOST & LIARMORE needs to be started!! Their underhandedness, nastiness and lies have gone on long enough!! You should know this Leona1412!!

  5. Dear 'Leona1412' (or whoever you are),

    Thanks for the comment, sweetheart! I'm not quite sure why the object of your animosity would be either one of the Pennings. It's not clear from your comment just which Penning you are referring to, so let me defend both of them from your slanderous and poisonous slings and arrows:

    In the case of Matt Penning, it seems to me that he has every right to object to the treatment he received from Jerry Lairmore at last Thursday's Road Department Meeting (7/22) when "nasty" ol' Jerry called Matt a "lieing son-of-a-bitch". Did you know that Lairmore calls Matt Penning a "dickhead" when no one is in earshot? Now who's being "nasty" and unprofessional and antagonistic and disrespectful, Leona dear?! Jerry Lairmore is just a garden variety bully who is unfit for public office!

    Now let's talk about the elder John Penning, one of our Hermann Aldermen. John Penning patiently and appropriately waited to speak at this week's County Commission Meeting until invited to do so by Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost. Penning made his statement during the public comment portion of the County Commission Meeting on 7/29. An audio recording of Penning's statement directed at Jerry Lairmore indicates that Penning demanded an apology from Lairmore for his pathetic unprofessional behavior one week previously. Jost told Penning to "sit down and shut up", at which point Penning said to Jost "No, you shut up." Jost then over-reacted, because he doesn't know how to run a meeting and the rest is history. John Penning is not "nasty" man, sweetheart. No he isn't. He did what any man in this county would do if their son had been treated the way he was treated by Lairmore.

    Ron Jost is among many, many other things incompetent and should be removed from county office. Hopefully he will be removed from office on August 3rd when Larry Miskel is elected to replace him as the Republican candidate for Presiding Commissioner.

    Leona1412, sweetie, if you make a comment on this website in the future, make sure you have your facts correct and make sure you are able to back up what you say!

    Dick Schaefer
    Unpaid, Part-time Contributing Writer and Amateur Investigative Reporter

  6. FROM: Dick Schaefer
    To: 'Leona1412'
    SUBJECT: Your Sicilian Message of Intimidation

    By the way, 'Leona1412', if it is your sick, twisted intention to somehow cower or otherwise intimidate me by constructing your fake username as you have (a subtle veiled threat), you don't know me very well. I have a pretty good idea of who you might be in reality and any further comments under this username will be tracked back to your IP address and GPS coordinates. (You do know that's technically possible, don't you?) I am not cowered or intimidated by people of your ilk.

    So just keep coming back on this website, sweetheart, and we'll have some real fun!

    Dick Schaefer
    Unpaid, Part-time Contributing Writer and Amateur Investigative Reporter

  7. Dick I've noticed the threats always come from one side. I wonder what the the good ol boys think about Hermann News reporting the story the same as you did? Snowman

  8. The list just keeps growing with all the people that have been threaten and bullied. I wonder if the woman that had her access to the county fair blocked last year got to take her grandchild this year? People we're dealing with some real ASSHOLES!! Martin

  9. Tonight was a good night to let everyone know what the little man has been up to... Best wishes to you and Leona. Fred 1962 Bland Mo
