Thursday, April 15, 2010

Clark Kant Released From St. Louis Mental Institution

Published by Jimmy Olsun, Night Desk Reporter, Investigative Reporter, Sports Reporter, Weather Reporter and Acting Editor In Chief

Great news everyone!  Clark Kant, my boss and mentor here at Hermann Hearsay, has been released from the St. Louis mental institution where he has been evaluated and treated for the past seven days. 

Clark is too modest to tell you this himself, so I will.  Clark passed all of the mental tests they could think to throw at him!  In fact, Clark received an overall score of 98%.  They say that he is in the 98th percentile of all patients who have ever taken their entire battery of mental tests!  (Jeffy Pooh and Hammerin' Hank, please take note of Clark's high score!) 

Clark would never brag about himself.  And he'll probably chastise me for talking about him in this report.  Knowing Clark and his self-depricating humor, he'll probably tell you, just as he told me last night, that he's "only about a half a bubble off level".

Lois, Frank and I are very happy to have Clark back!  I know that many of our readers are also happy to learn that Clark is back.  Welcome back, Clark!

Jimmy Oldsun
Night Desk Reporter, Investigative Reporter, Sports Reporter, Weather Reporter and Acting Editor In Chief

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