Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Reader and Advertiser Stats

Published by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

Reader Stats (thru 12/31/2009)

Total # of regular readers ..........9 (estimated)  Alfred, Elmer, Clyde, Ima, Homer, Fritz, Roho,  Gabby & Gertrude
Total # of free subscriptions ......9 (estimated)  Ditto above

Advertiser Stats (thru 12/31/2009)

Total # of free advertisers ........ 0 (several firm commitments for 2010)

Seems like the trend in the online "news" industry is to fully disclose readership and advertiser statistics.  In keeping with this trend, Hermann Hearsay will begin publishing its statistics on a monthly frequency.

Clark Kant
Editor In Chief


  1. Clark,

    I think you failed to include Brian, Hank, Jeffrey, Jerry and Ron in your readership statistics. You may actually have as many as 14 total readers!


  2. And don't forget the County Sheriff, the County Collector, and Dick Schaefer!

  3. Thanks for the comments, Alfred and Anonymous! I haven't seen any of the folks you mention offer a comment yet. I suppose they could be reading Hermann Hearsay though.

    Clark Kant
    Editor In Chief
