Friday, November 27, 2009

That Quilty Day-After-Thanksgiving Feeling

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, Staff Reporter

Clark has taken a well-deserved three-day weekend.  He's headed over to Kansas City and will be going to the MU-KU Border War Game at Arrowhead Stadium on Saturday afternoon.  Lois Lame and I have been put in charge till Clark returns. 

Ol' Clark's a big Mizzou fan.  He graduated from the University of Missouri way back long ago when I was but a gleam in my Daddy's eye.  Clark won't let me publish the exact year he graduated because then you could figure out just how old he is.  Suffice it to say that Clark is pretty darned old!

I hope all of our readers enjoyed their Thanksgiving.  As for me, I ate way more than I should have, and today I'm feeling guilty about over-indulging.  After enjoying a large plate full of turkey, dressing and all the obligatory fixin's, I pigged out on the pie.  I had apple pie, pecan pie and pumpkin pie, and I'm not going to disclose just how many total slices!  I don't know what came over me!  I just kept eating and eating!

As I say, I'm feelin' a bit guilty today.  Perhaps you are feelin' guilty as well.  This is the day I traditionally reflect upon the need to go on a diet, to exercise more, to lose some weight and get back down to my old college weight.  Oh, how many years have I done precisely this same thing on the Day After Thanksgiving!  And so, I am today commiting to a three-mile daily walk.  I've been walking two miles per day during 2009.  Maybe I'll join a gym as well.  (Well, I've said that many times before, but I never have.)

So, how 'bout you?  Are you feelin' guilty today?  Have you made any resolutions to lose weight and get back into shape?

Jimmy Oldsun
Staff Reporter


  1. Clark,

    Where did you get that bootleg photo of my belly?! Ha ha ha!

    Yep, I over-ate yesterday just like you!

    My resolution is to park a half-block away from the coffee shop and walk just a little bit further this coming year!


  2. Sorry Jimmy! I'm so used to Clark posting articles here on Hermann Hearsay, I addressed my comment to him. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving with your family! And good luck with that three-mile walk!

