Published by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief
It has been brought to my attention that lots of local celebrities and dignitaries read 'Hermann Hearsay'. Yes! I have been told that the #1 and #2 journalists in all of Gasconade County read 'HH' in order to get good ideas and inspiration for articles in their own publications. A well-connected source who shall remain nameless but whose code name is 'Daffy Duck' told me that there are even a number of well-known local government officials who read 'HH' everyday. The knowledge of this pleases us to no end! Apparently the budgets and capital spending plans for which these government officials are responsible and accountable are in great shape so that they have nothing better to do than spend their valuable time reading our articles. I hope doing so helps clear their minds and relax them so that they are better prepared to fulfull their important official public duties. Afterall, 'HH' is here to serve the local community!
In addition to the local celebrities and dignitaries who read 'HH', amazingly enough we also have a number of famous international figures who read our stuff almost daily. Can you believe it?! Our little local sometimes daily news blog?! Tony Blair (UK), Gordon Brown (UK), Paul McCartney (UK), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) and Kim Jong Il (North Korea) are all loyal 'HH' readers!
We are thankful to all of our loyal readers ..... whether you are "high-class" or not!
Clark Kant
Editor In Chief