Saturday, September 4, 2010

Quote Of The Day - Saturday, 9/4/2010

Published by Lois Lame, SSALRCYTMVDQJCP & Assistant Editor

Date:  9/4/2010

Owensville Alderman John Kamler addressing Matt Penning at the County Commission Meeting held at the Owensville City Hall on Thursday, 9/2 .....

"I've been asked over and over by Mr. Noedel and some other people to work as an alderman with an alderman from Hermann.  I think that's a great idea to get the county moving back to where it needs to be."  ~ John Kamler, Owensville Alderman, at 9/2 County Commission Meeting in Owensville

Er uh, thanks for the offer Mr. Kamler!  But don't you already have a full plate of economic development issues and city infrastructure issues you should be working on for the people of Owensville?  By the way, which Hermann alderman did Mr. Noedel have in mind to work with you?  As a Hermann resident, I want my aldermen to work exclusively on Hermann issues.  Our aldermen have enough on their plates already!  Ha ha ha!


  1. We don't need Noedel's help. Kamler needs to worry about our town!

  2. "I want my aldermen to work exclusively on Hermann issues"
    That seems to be the problem here.... single minded folks. You want Hermann to be for Hermann, and screw the rest of the County?? Fine, but you don't want to relinquish the County seat either.So that means you have to work along, and deal with the entire county. You cannot have it both ways! So, are you team players, as Matt claims to be,but doesn't act like... or in this for yourselves?? If you want to run things solely your way, may I suggest you Declare Hermann a soverign County of it's own, so the rest of Gasconade County can take care of itself. Then you can have it your way, all the way!! HA!

  3. Dear Sick and Tired. The majority of the county doesn't want what you do! They don't want anything moved. Your little group has done little to help our end of the county. Stir the pot and pull out jobs and economic growth. Do you want to know why your county seat move failed slick? You set your little tents up around town with your elite and good'ole boys and it didn't fly because we don't want what you do! You want an issue to work on..Slick, get the jobs back that the chamber, the city, and the paper kept out! Want to call me a liar slick? You might want to check with the newspaper and see where all the faxs went when they voted to keep out ten dollar an hour jobs. The good'ole boys just needed cheap labor. How's that working for you now slick? Why don't you work with the Mayor and get the hundreds of thousands that have been stolen from this town? Ha your @s# Tired of You. Just so you know several of the the faxs are around town for people to see..
