Monday, April 12, 2010

Whatever happened to the Gasconade County courthouse project?

Subject Jimmy Oldsun, Night Desk, Investigative Reporter, Sports Reporter and Acting Editor In Chief

Remember when the restoration of the Gasconade County courthouse and expansion of county office facilities was a big issue around here?  It was all the talk.  It was covered almost weekly by The Hermann A-C and   And lots of GCCS money was spent to develop project scope and architectural renderings for various options here in Hermann.

Remember when a certain self-interested faction from Owensville got that Proposition B thingie on the election ballot back in November of 2008?  Well, the good people of Gasconade County rejected the idea of moving the county seat to Owensville.  Take that, you Owensville wheeler-dealers!

Remember when the GCCS (Gasconade County Courthouse Society) held their controversial annual meeting of members one warm summer evening in July of  2009?  I was there seated in the second row.  I paid my $10 for a GCCS membership.  I heard the speeches by Jon Held, Glenn Warnebold and many, many other "concerned" citizens.

Remember that ill-fated "resolution" offered by GCCS Treasurer, Glenn Warnebold, the one that was unanimously defeated by the GCCS membership?  Poor ol' Glenn couldn't even get his own wife to vote for the resolution!

Remember all those occasions in county commission meetings after Prop. B was defeated when angry citizens of the county challenged Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost to quit delaying and get moving with the courthouse project?  And remember how he would always respond by saying he was just waiting for someone to show him the plan and the money?  Guess ol' Ron just didn't comprehend that he had a responsibility as the key leader of the county to develop those plans and find the sources for that money!

And what about the GCCS?  Where are they?  Where have they gone?  My understanding is that they haven't had one single board meeting since their first annual membership meeting back in July of 2009.  My understanding is that Jon Held, President of the GCCS, has completely given up on the courthouse project.  Or is that just Hermann coffee shop talk?  Maybe meetings are being held in secret?

And where is the intense coverage by the local media which were all over this story not so very long ago?  Is it just easier to cover car crashes, restaurant menus and morel mushroom findings by the locals than it is to ask the necessary tough, hard questions of community "leaders" and county "leaders"?

Well my fellow Gasconade County citizens, was all of that just much ado about nothing?  I'm reminded of that mindless remark made famous by a TV sitcom many years ago ...... "Never mind!"

What do you think?  Is this a story you would like to see Hermann Hearsay investigate and pursue?  Should we jump on the story since no other media outlet in the county seems to be pursuing the story?  Would you rather us to investigate this story or would you just as soon we cover car crashes, mushroom findings and restaurant menus like our competitors?  Should we dare to push some of our community "leaders" and county "leaders" with the tough, hard questions that are begging to be asked?

Tell us what you think!

Jimmy Oldsun
Night Desk, Investigative Reporter, Sports Reporter and Acting Editor In Chief


  1. It's a sad situation, Jimmy!

    Barry Schmelly

  2. I say "Go for it, Jimmy!"

    Ben Dover

  3. Oliver T. ShagnastyApril 12, 2010 at 9:33 AM

    You would think that, with all of our online news services here in Hermann, at least one would be covering this story!

    I guess you're right! Car crashes, restaurant menus and mushroom findings are easier!

    Oliver T. Shagnasty

  4. You, Noodle and Alex Chelsea should bury the hatchet (and not in each other). Who gives a rats butt about that decrepit old monstrosity that looms over the town? Give the taxpayers a modern, up to date efficient facility and knock that one down!!!! It's time to stop skipping down memory lane and look to the future. Why burden future generations of taxpayers with that brick elephant?

  5. Thanks to all for your comments thus far!


  6. I've seen the name Alex Chelsea a couple times here at Hermann Hearsay. I thought those were two different people. Now I'm confused. Besides, is Chelsea still with Nooodel? I don't think they made enough money from the beg-a-thon to pay her for her gas. Alex said she drives a really big vehicle.

  7. Jimmy, the questions you raise need to be answered!


  8. I wanna know why the GCCS just folded rather than push the two county commissioners from Owensville to move on with the planning process. Are we just waiting for these two obstructionists to be defeated in their next elections?


  9. The Wheeler Dealers still want the Courthouse in Owensville! They still have the building. Martin Blanc Grosse Point Mo.

  10. Martin,

    Thanks for subscribing to Hermann Hearsay! Does that building still have deadly asbestos in it?

    Jimmy Oldsun
