Sunday, November 22, 2009

Javier Mendoza Band Plays The Showboat Theatre

Published by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

Last night I shelled out $15 for a ticket to see Javier Mendoza and his band at the Showboat Theatre in Hermann.  I was not sure I'd enjoy Mendoza's pop/rock/Spanish style of music.  My suspicions were confirmed about twenty minutes into the show.  Javier Mendoza is just not my cup o' tea.  As for me, I much prefer the music of Sonny Buttermiller and the Peace Valley Orchestra, the Berger Melodians, Ken Starke's Moonlight Serenaders and, of course, the once well-renown B. A. Wagner Orchestra.  I also thoroughly enjoy Ernest Tubb, the Texas Troubadour, Willie Nelson and Family, and Eric Clapton.

But I digress.  Back to Javier Mendoza.  It turns out that Mendoza's show was not well-attended as half of the seats in the small theatre went unsold.  Most attendees were either Mendoza groupies, Showboat Theatre board members/patrons, a scattering of Hermann residents, a few Hermann visitors, plus one energetic young photojournalist who created quite a distraction by popping up and down to get more action shots than should have been necessary.

About forty minutes into the show, I just couldn't stand it any longer, so I quietly left.  But the evening wasn't a total loss.  I strolled over to Wings-A-Blazin', my favorite sports bar and restaurant in Hermann.  Turns out the Texas-Kansas game and the Nebraska-Kansas State were being broadcast.  Perfect!  I ordered their Pasta Marinara with chicken and a big glass of diet Pepsi.  It doesn't get any better than that!

Clark Kant
Editor In Chief

1 comment:

  1. Clark,

    It looks like it's gonna be Texas and Nebraska in the Big 12 Championship Game. Mizzou is now 7-4 after beating Iowa State at Memorial Stadium in Columbia.

    I didn't go to the Mendoza concert up their in Hermann. It's a long drive up from Bland, especially at night when all those deer are jumpin' around!

    A. E. Newman
    Bland, MO
