Monday, August 30, 2010

What keeps YOU from attending Gasconade County Commission Meetings?

Published by Dick Schaefer, Award-winning, Unpaid, Part-time Contributing Writer and Amateur Investigative Reporter

Date:  8/30/2010

During 2009 and 2010, I have attended a number of meetings of the Gasconade County Commission.  I've seen enough of these meetings to last me a lifetime.  I've come away with a certain impression regarding how our county is being managed.  And the impression I have taken away is not good!

I am always disappointed that more citizens don't take the time to attend these meetings.  I mean how can you know how to vote for county officials if you don't observe their performance first-hand?  Unfortunately these meetings are poorly attended.  And that's not good for Gasconade County!

Have you ever attended a Gasconade County Commission Meeting?  Why haven't you?  Afterall, you employ the County Commissioners and the County Clerk!  They work for you!  Your tax money pays their salaries and benefits?  So why don't you attend their meetings to judge first-hand how they are managing the affairs of the county?
  • Are you concerned that YOU will become the focus of the story in the local media IF you dare to ask a penetrating though legitimate question about the county's affairs? 
  • Are you concerned that YOU will have your photo taken and that you will be portrayed  as some kind of wild-eyed lunatic instead of the concerned taxpayer which you really are?
  • Are you concerned that YOU might be ejected from the meeting if you should dare disagree with the Presiding Commissioner and speak your mind?
  • Are you concerned that YOU might be labeled a "gangsta rapper" by a certain high-and-mighty political pundit and provocateur who happens to write forum articles for one of our local online "news" websites?
  • Are you concerned that YOU might be called a "lieing [expletive]" or a "d*&%head" by the Southern District Associate Commissioner or by his son?
  • Are you concerned that YOU might be chest-bumped and otherwise goaded into a physical confrontation by another meeting attendee?
  • Are you concerned that YOU might be "ambushed" during the commission meeting in a well-orchestrated attempt to embarrass and discredit you?  Trust me, it has happened.  And it is likely to happen again!
  • Are you concerned that YOU might not be able to get a seat at the meeting?  The Commission meets in a very small room in the courthouse, so seating capacity IS very limited.  But, if a large group of citizens shows up for the meeting, the Commissioners can elect to move the meeting to one of the courtroom when court is not in session.
  • Are you just bored out of YOUR mind by the slow-pace and disorganized flow of the meeting?  I have to admit, it's a big waste of time to watch the Presiding Commissioner shuffle papers as though it is the first time he has seen them!  Do you wonder where the real business of the county is conducted?  I have to admit that I wonder about this all the time.  Do you wonder about the trivial matters that are discussed in the meeting?  I do.  Do you wonder why bigger issues (county budget, courthouse preservation and restoration, road improvement priorities, etc.) are not discussed more often in the public meetings?  I do.
IF you are concerned and put off by things such as these, then it just might explain why you stay away from these public meetings.  But let me ask you something ..... Are you going to allow these forces to conspire to intimidate you from getting involved in the county's business?  Are you going to allow your public servants and the people who purport to report the local "news" scare you away from public county meetings held in county owned public facilities?

If you can't attend the meetings because they are held at an inconveniet time, then at least tune-in to Hermann's public cable TV station.  Those who aren't on the Hermann cable system can get copies of the video tapes (for a nominal fee) at the city adminstrative office.  And if you can't do any of these things, then at least read the County Commission Meeting Minutes which are printed each week in both The Hermann Advertiser-Courier and the Gasconade County Republican.

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