Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Job Offers Greatly Appreciated!

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

Ever since I got promoted to Editor here at Hermann Hearsay, I've been getting unsolicited job offers.  While I appreciate the offers to write columns and editorial comments for other fine local news operations, I have to remain loyal to Clark Kant who hired me right out of school when nobody else would even take a look at my job application and resume.  Our owner, Truman T. Tiger, has been very good to me (even though he doesn't pay me much).  He says the big payoff will come in the future when we get our network of websites built into a huge international success!

So, I just wanted to say thanks to all who have offered me work in their local media organizations.  I especially want to thank Glenn Warnebold who recently offered me a job writing editorial comments for HermannNews.com .......... but at NO PAY, ZERO, ZILCH, NADA!  Glenn and I didn't get around to discussing whether the office coffee would be free or whether I would have to pay for it.  Dang, Glenn!  You could've at least offered to throw in a few bottles of your wine!  Ha ha ha!

I suppose I shouldn't be so sarcastic.  Instead I should appreciate the consideration I've been given.  Afterall, I'm just a rookie journalist working at a rag-tag, start-up daily online news website, and I've only been out of J-School for one year now.  I'm hoping that, if I keep my nose to the grindstone, I'll be just as good as Clark someday.  And maybe someday in the future, I'll be calling up the young journalists at other local news outlets offering them jobs here at Hermann Hearsay!  When I do, I will offer jobs WITH PAY ...... and FREE COFFEE!

Jimmy Oldsun

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Reciprocal Websites:
http://www.ngnn.com/65041/ (Hermann & New Haven News)


  1. Thanks for staying with us, Jimmy!


  2. Thurston Howell IIIMay 4, 2010 at 10:02 AM

    Jimmy, make Truman cut you in on an ownership piece of TTTNN.

    Thurston Howell III
