Thursday, May 27, 2010

BREAKING NEWS - "Confusion" Reigns In County Commission Meeting

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

The Gasconade County Commissioners met in their regular weekly meeting this morning at the County Courthouse.  "Confusion" (or perhaps "feigned confusion" or perhaps something else) seemed to reign with regard to a number of topics that were discussed:
  1. There seemed to be confusion regarding tonight's GCCS board meeting and whether ex-officio board member and Presiding Commissioner Ron Jost had been invited to attend the meeting as the county commission's official representative. Commissioner Jost professed that he knew nothing about tonight's meeting and made a comment that perhaps he is not welcome to attend.  C'mon Ronnie!  You're supposed to be an adult.  Pick up the damned phone and ask one of the GCCS board members!  Simple as that!  Get on the "team" Ronnie!  If you don't, you are just playing your obstructionist "games" and should be immediately replaced by a county commissioner who really wants to work cooperatively with the GCCS to develop a plan for the courthouse restoration.  Because of these child-like games, it is not known who from the county commission will be in attendance to unlock the courthouse prior to tonight's meeting.  It should be the responsibility of Ron Jost as ex-officio board member to do so.  But will he attend?  What's going on here?
  2. There seemed to be confusion regarding the county's tire contract.  No big surprise here!  Commissioners Jost and Lairmore, despite their first-hand experience in the tire business, have been confused about how to write up comprehensive bid specifications for the county's tire contract for years!  This morning, Southern District Commissioner Lairmore professed to be confused about Northern District Commissioner Penning's modification of the bid specifications to stipulate that credit be given to the county for tire carcasses.  Central Tire Company has been paying a credit for tire carcasses this past year due to Penning's insistence.  Those credits were NOT paid during previous years when Jost Tire Company had the county tire contract.
  3. There seemed to be confusion regarding what is and what is not legitimate county business.  CNL publisher and self-described "journalist", Jeff Noedel, inappropriately injected himself into the county commision meeting discussion when he asked the commissioners their "opinions" regarding whether or not the Missouri Sunshine Laws should apply to the GCCS meetings.  As if on que and as if this question was fully anticipated, Commissioners Jost and Lairmore offered their opinion that the GCCS meetings should be open to the public.  Commissioner Penning, seeking not to be drawn into the controversy which Noedel is stirring and recognizing that Noedel's question has no legitimate place in a county commission meeting anyway, declined to comment.  The question we at Hermann Hearsay have is this:  "Is Noedel stirring this pot because he has a valid legal point?  Or is Noedel stirring this pot because of his past open disagreements with and business partnership dissolution with GCCS Treasurer, Glenn Warnebold?
"Confusion" seems to reign within the Gasconade County Commission quite often.  There has been obvious "confusion" within the County Commission for far too many years, for far too many county meetings.  Commissioners who are "confused" should resign and pursue alternate work more suitable to their talents and capabilities in the private sector. Herman Hearsay urges Commissioners Jost and Lairmore to do the honorable thing and resign their positions immediately.  Hermann Hearsay also urges CNL's Jeff Noedel to stop trying to "make the news" and instead just "report the news".

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