Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tired of LIVE weather webcams? Well, we are too!

Published by Lois Lame, Advertising, Subscriber Services and Lifestyles Reporting

Fine music beats LIVE weather webcams all to hell!

First of all, if you ain't got enough sense to look out the window or step outside and look around to the north, south, east and west in order to figure out the weather pattern, then you're too damned dumb to be reading 'Hermann Hearsay' anyway.  Go to that other website where they provide "live shots" of Fourth Street, Fifth Street and the Missouri River at Dundee (wherever that is).

Second of all, we ain't about to go wasting our money on stupid webcams!  Hell no!  We need new laptops, new Blackberries and a decent coffeemaker for the office!

What we are gonna do instead is bring you some of the finest music on God's green earth.  We've already brought you some Willie Nelson songs.  Willie's one of our favorites!  And now by special request from Beula Bowelmovement and Oliver T. Shagnasty, for your listening enjoyment here is the incomparable Slim Whitman!

Lois Lame
Advertising, Subscriber Services and Lifestyles Reporting

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  1. Beula BowelmovementApril 24, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Thanks Lois! You're a real sweetie!


  2. Oliver T. ShagnastyApril 24, 2010 at 8:15 PM

    Love the way ol' Slim hits those high notes!

