Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, A Day of Rest at Hermann Hearsay

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

It's a beautiful springtime Sunday here in Hermann.  We've had a hectic week here at Hermann Hearsay, so I've decided to give our staff the day off.  This is a departure with the past.  Clark used to work us on the Sabbath.  I feel Lois, Frank and I need one day of rest during the week, so Sunday is going to be the day we spend with our families and refresh our batteries.

Now, I don't want to cheat our FREE subscribers out of a day of service, so I have decided that Sunday will be our day for light-hearted stuff.  Some Willie Nelson songs, some jokes, some photos and maybe some poetry.  If you like us to cover other things on Sundays, just let us know.

Here's one of my favorite Willie Nelson songs:

Jimmy Oldsun

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  1. Glad to see that you're giving the staff a day off! I like the Sunday format you envision! Big Willie fan myself!

    A. E. Newman

  2. Thanks for the day off, Jimmy! I'm taking the kids fishing today. My wife can' believe I have the day off!


  3. Thanks Jimmy! I'm riding my Harley down to Augusta over Highway 94. Beautiful out here!

    via Blackberry

  4. Clark,
    Don't be such a slave driver, give everyone the weekend off. It will give you time to track who is yousing someone's password. Sure glad you don't waste your time nad energy on the small stuff. Glad this great sight is FREE! You don't have to wait if your not a paid subscriber to see it, you get it reported before the paid viewers can see it. Thanks again, Claude Balls Hungwell, Mo.
