Sunday, January 24, 2010

Readership Exploding After Mention In

Published by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

On the heels of a very much appreciated favorable mention in the Entertainment Section of the well-known local daily news site, we are finding that the number of hits and the readership on our small website has been increasing by leaps and bounds.  If our website is taken down by this unanticipated explosion in readership, please be patient with us.

Though this sudden increase in traffic is causing us "growing pains" and exposing some infrastructure problems, we nevertheless thank Jeff Noedel over at on 5th Street for mentioning us in his January 23rd article.

I will be sending Jimmy Oldsun into St. Louis tomorrow to see if he can pick up some additional used servers at a good (read cheap) price.  Our owner, Mr. Tiger, is a penny-pincher, and he won't allow us to call in IBM or Hewlett-Packard to install new equipment.  We will do the best that we can under the circumstances.

Clark Kant
Editor In Chief


  1. If ya need someone to ride along with Jimmy to get the computer equipment tomorrow, just give me a call. I'm good at ciphering and I know my multiplication tables real good too. I think I could help Jimmy.


  2. Your website sucks!

