Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Quote Of The Day - Wednesday, 12/1/2010

Published by Lois Lame, SALRCYTMVDQJCP & Assistant Editor

Date:  12/1/2010
Post:  1,197

"There is no "slippery slope" toward loss of liberties, only a long staircase where each step downward must first be tolerated by the American people and their leaders."  ~ Alan K. Simpson, Former U.S. Senator from the State of Wyoming and Current Co-Chairman of the U.S. Deficit Commission

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  1. Lately, it seems like we've been on a stair master--up, down, loose a little, gain a little back...barley holding on.

    Has anyone noticed how they are now attacking the messenger (WikiLeaks, same as 40 years ago i.e. The Pentagon Papers)

    They are scared, the next WikiLeaks release is supposed to be on the Big Banks!!!) They can't afford for that to happen...The hole house of cards could collapse on them, if it does.

    Interesting time we live in presently!!!


  2. I've heard that the "Big Bank" leak will be about Bank of America .... one of the biggest U.S. banks of all!

    They're trying to track down Julian Assange, but claim they don't know where he might be. Could he be in a cave with Osama Bin Laden?

    Wonder when they'll be shutting us lil' ol' small-time bloggers down for discussing local government dirty laundry, embarrassing local government "secrets", etc.? If we should end up in the "proposed" County Jail in Swiss, please bring us a fresh cherry pie when you come to visit us!

    Lois Lame (for the entire Hermann Hearsay staff)
