Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dad-blamed Flea-Bitten Skunks and Varmints!

Published by Jimmy Olsun, NDRIRSRWRAFTC & Editor

Date:  9/5/2010

Yosemite Sam left a message on our answering machine late Saturday night.  (I think Yosemite Sam had been drinkin' a few shots of Yellostone whiskey.)  Yosemite Sam said .....

"Shame on you, you dad-burned commissioner skunks and media varmints who are always stirrin' things up!  You shameless fellars just feed off one another!  It's very transparent what you're doin'!  We ain't a bunch of dad-blamed fools out here, and you can't pull the wool over our eyes!  You commissioner boys are so pathetically shameless that you get your friends and relatives to come into public meetings to make stump speeches callin' for this and callin' for that whilst the ambulance-chasin' media boys salivate over the sensational photos, video tapes and one-sided stories they can write up for their "newspapers" and online "news" sites!  Plumb pathetic!  Just plumb pathetic!  Why don't you commissioner boys get to work doin' the legitimate business of the county?!  And why don't you media boys start reportin' on the important stories?!  Dad-blamed flea-bitten skunks and varmints!"


  1. Let's see if I have my fact correct. Jost sells tires to the county. Jost is on the County Commission. Tires sales to the county are not open for bids.

    I for one, will be boycotting Jost Tires until this conflict of interest stops!!!!

  2. Convenient partnership, eh? Create controversy and personal conflict. Media gets diverted (perhaps intentionally so) and reports exclusively on the controversy and personal conflict while completely over-looking important affairs of the county like how tires are being purchased, why the commission continues to obstruct planning progress for the courthouse preservation and restoration, and why so many audit deficiencies have been found. The public continues to focus on the controversy while the commission continues to mismanage the county.


  3. Anon.. wrong. They are going by the State Bid process. If Jost Tire carries the Brand of tire specified in the State Bid, they can sell it to the County. If Jost does not have the right Brand, and Central Tire does, County buys there. Don't be fooled, Bidding has been done. Some seem to find a conspiracy behind every bush!
