Saturday, April 10, 2010

Frene Creek On The Rise!

Published by Jimmy Oldsun, Night Desk, Investigative Reporter and Sports Reporter

Frene Creek rose about 3 inches between 4 p.m. Thursday and 4 p.m Friday.  The creek water is still within its banks.  But if the water rises another foot or so, it will be lapping onto Mozart Street down by Lions Field on Eighth Street. 

We are watching this developing situation for you.  Frank Furter, our janitor, was dispatched yesterday to poke a stick into the mud at water's edge (yesterday's water level).  I will be checking the stick at 4 p.m. everday until we are out of danger to see if the creek is still rising or if it is on the stand still.  The moment the creek gets onto Mozart Street, we will report it to you so you can make plans to take an alternate route and avoid driving through the water.  We wish we could afford to mount a webcam on the Mozart Street lift station so you could monitor the water level yourself, but we are on a very tight budget and have chosen to invest our money in sticks versus webcams.

Jimmy Oldsun
Night Desk, Investigative Reporter and Sports Reporter


  1. Thanks for providing this service, Jimmy! I drive to and from work on Mozart Street everyday. No I can check Hermann Hearsay to see if I should alter my route when Frene Creek gets out of its banks onto Mozart Street! Great service! And it's all FREE!

    Barry Schmelly

  2. Yo Jimmy!

    You got any plans for tonight? Call me!


  3. Are there any bluegill breaking the surface of the water yet, Jimmy?! Please let us know when they start getting active!

    Elmer J. Fudd
