Friday, November 13, 2009

Wooly Worm Forecasts Harsh Winter Ahead?

Posted by Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

This morning while out for walk in the neighborhood, I came across a cute lil' wooly worm making his way slowly across the street. I noted that this particular wooly worm was very dark in color ..... nearly black.

Now I've always heard that dark wooly worms are a good predictor of a deep and harsh winter ahead. At least that's what my grandparents and parents always told me.

I wanted to confirm this with my good buddies, Elmer and Herb, down at the coffee shop. But I got a mixed interpretation from them.

Elmer said that indeed black wooly worms forecast a bitter winter ahead. But Herb said that the wooly worm fable is just a bunch of malarky.

So I thought I'd open up the question to 'Hermann Hearsay' readers. What do you think? Should I buy some new red flannel long underwear and a snow shovel .... OR should I just stop worrying about what might lay immediately ahead?


  1. Stop worrying. Life is too good!

  2. Thanks for being such a loyal reader, A. Nonymous! I know I shouldn't worry, but I don't wanna get caught without several pair of long underwear should our winter be an especially harsh one!

    Clark Kant, Editor In Chief

  3. ae_newman@hotmail.comNovember 20, 2009 at 11:55 AM

    I agree with Elmer! We're gonna have a colder and wetter winter than last winter. Found a black willy worm myself this past week.

    A.E. Newman
    Bland, MO

  4. Alfred,

    You'd better buy you some more long underwear!

    Clark Kant
    Editor In Chief
